Holesaw Arbors and Pilot Bits

32-76mm Diamond Hole Saw Angle Grinder Adaptor Nut


I/N: 0097100
$ 15.99
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I'd like to enquire about this product. 1 x 32-76mm Diamond Hole Saw Angle Grinder Adaptor Nut | KDHS-AGA

Price correct as of 1st September 2024, 09:30am.

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Want to improve the versatility of your angle grinder and use it to cut holes? Then get the Kango Diamond Pro Angle Grinder Adaptor. Designed for use with Kango's range of Diamond Pro Holesaws, this adaptor screws onto your angle grinder and fits holesaws between 32mm-76mm. This means means you'll be able to cut holes even faster with Kango Diamond Pro Angle Grinder Adaptor. It's available now from Bunnings.
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    Compatible with all Angle Grinders with an M14 spindle thread

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    Compatible with Kango Diamond Pro Holesaws and all other leading brands

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    Holesaw cup size from 32-76mm

Kango Angle Grinder Adaptor Nut 32‐76mm